The basics of dividing your property are the same whether you have extensive property or very minimal assets. The goal is to split any gains or losses made during the relationship while leaving alone any property that belonged to the spouses before the relationship began.
The difference between regular property division and more complex property division is the complexity of the property under consideration and the high amounts that may be at stake. This requires a different approach to dealing with the situation.
In any separation, issues of property division, custody, and spousal and child support are divisive enough without added stresses such as business valuation or division of business assets. When there are more complex types of property at play, the situation can become even more confusing and emotionally draining.
For most property division, our lawyers have the experience to be able to handle all financial aspects, with minimal outside support, such as real estate evaluators to help determine the cost of any real property.
For certain types of assets, however, it may become necessary to call upon outside experts. These assets include:
Not all family lawyers are able to evaluate such property or recognize when it may be necessary to call on outside assistance. We are.
More importantly, our lawyers have sufficient experience to not only know when to call in outside experts but to fully understand the reports they produce. We know how to make the best use of the information to protect your interests, proving that certain assets have the value that you say they do, and defending your position if those assets need to be treated a specific way during separation.